How to 发送 a Letter or Postcard: Domestic

用美国邮政总局发送邮件很容易! 我们的视频将帮助您处理您在国内(在美国境内)发送的大多数信件,卡片和明信片.S.),包括U.S. territories and military bases in the U.S. 和国外.

有关如何运送包裹,请参阅 How to 发送 a Package: Domestic.

发送 邮件: Step-by-Step Instructions


Step 1: Choose Envelope or Postcard

信封 是用来发送平面的、灵活的东西,比如信件、卡片、支票、表格和其他纸制品的吗. 只为一个人 $0.68一级邮件® 永远® 邮票, you can send 1 oz (about 4 sheets of regular, (8-1/2英寸× 11英寸的长方形信封)寄到美国任何地方.S.!


No. 10 envelope compared to the minimum and maximum envelope sizes

信封必须是长方形的,用纸做的,才符合信件价格. Your envelope can be a maximum of 11-1/2" long x 6-1/8" high. (一)标准编号. 10 envelope is 9-1/2" long x 4-1/8" high.)你可以把信封里的东西折叠起来,但要保持平整——厚度不能超过1/4英寸.

If you want to send letter-sized papers without folding them, you can use a large envelope (called a "flat"); the postage for flats starts at $1.39. If your large envelope is nonrectangular, 刚性(不能弯曲), 或块状(不均匀厚), you'll have to pay the package price.

提示: 如果你的信封无法通过美国邮政总局的邮件处理机, 或者是刚性的, 块状的或有搭扣的, 字符串, 或按钮, it's "nonmachinable" and you'll have to pay $0.还有44个才能发送. (See additional postage in Step 3.)如果你的信封是方形或垂直的(高过宽),你还得付更多的钱.

明信片 是不需要装在信封里的短信吗. 使用 $0.53明信片邮票 to send a standard-sized postcard anywhere in the U.S. Standard postcards are usually made of paper, are between 5" to 6" long and 3-1/2" to 4-1/4" high, 都在0之间.007"和0 ".016“厚.

大小 & Weight Requirements – 明信片 & 信封


信封: 在左上角写上你的地址(“退货”或“寄件人”地址). 在底部中心写上收货地址(“收件人”地址).

明信片: 明信片 come in different formats, 所以把收货地址写在它给你的空白处(在你写信息和盖邮票的同一面).


Print your return address and the delivery address clearly, 在正确的地方, to make sure your mail is delivered on time.


  • Print addresses neatly in capital letters.
  • 用钢笔或记号笔.
  • 不要使用逗号或句号.
  • 包括 ZIP + 4® 尽可能编写代码.


在左上角写上你的地址(“回信地址”). 包括 following on separate lines:

  • Your full name or company name
  • 公寓或套房号码
  • 完整的街道地址
  • 城市,州和邮政编码+4


在信封底部中央写上收信人地址. 包括 following on separate lines:

  • Recipient's full name or company name
  • 公寓或套房号码
  • 完整的街道地址
  • 城市,州和邮政编码+4
Advanced Tips for Secondary 地址 (like Apartment or Suite) 邮政地址标准

特殊的你.S. 地址


波多黎各的一些地址包括特定区域或开发的城市化或社区代码. 包含城市化代码(简称URB)的地址应写成4行:

150 call a
圣胡安pr 00926-3232

More 波多黎各 Address Examples

U.S. 属维尔京群岛

维尔京群岛的地址格式与标准地址相同. 这片领土的正确缩写是“VI”,而不是“US VI”或“USA VI”。

Kingshill vi 00850-9802

军事 and 外交邮件 (APO/FPO/DPO)

邮件 military and diplomatic addresses 被区别对待:

  • 当你把东西寄到另一个国家的APO/FDO/DPO地址时,包括城市或国家名称. This keeps your mail out of foreign mail networks.
  • Do include unit and box numbers if they're assigned:

Fpo ap 96691

More Details on 军事 地址

When you're done addressing your envelope, put what you're sending inside the envelope, then close and seal it (using the envelope's glue or tape).


第三步:计算邮资(& Add 保险 or 额外十大网堵平台)

A 一流的邮件® “永远”邮票售价0美元.68 and goes in the upper right corner of the envelope. (你也可以 use any combination of 邮票s that adds up to $0.68.)

If your letter is heavier or bigger, 或者如果你想增加保险或额外的十大网堵平台,比如挂号信® 十大网堵平台,你会付更多的钱.

A standard postcard 邮票 costs $0.53. (Large or square postcards will cost more.)将明信片邮票盖在收件地址附近的空白处.


Postage for letters mostly depends on weight and size/shape. You can weigh your letter with a kitchen scale, 邮政规模, at a self-十大网堵平台 kiosk,或 the 邮局 计数器.

提示: 根据经验, 你可以投寄1盎司(4张打印纸和一个商业大小的信封)的一级邮件® 永远® 邮票(现时$0.68).

The postage for a large envelope (or flat) starts at $1.39 / 1盎司.


提示: If you're sending larger envelopes (flats) using 优先邮件® 或特快专递® 十大网堵平台,您可以使用 Click-N-Ship® 十大网堵平台 to pay for and print your own postage online.



  • 每增加1盎司是0美元.24个字母,最多3个.5 oz and large envelopes up to 13 oz.
  • Nonmachinable物品, including envelopes that are lumpy or rigid, 或者有扣子, 字符串, 或者按钮将花费0美元.还有44个要送. 如果你的信封是方形或垂直的(高过宽),你还得付更多的钱。.
  • 你也可以 buy 1¢, 2¢, 3¢, 4¢, 5¢, and 10¢ 邮票s at 邮政商店.

提示: Put the 邮票 on last; that way, if you make a mistake at any other point, you won't waste a 邮票.



如果你想要保险, 送货证明, 签名十大网堵平台, 或其他可选十大网堵平台, 你得额外付费.

我们的 保险 & 额外十大网堵平台 page has more details; some of the more common add-on 十大网堵平台s for letters include:

  • 挂号信®要有证据证明你邮寄了你的物品,并且收件人已经签收了.
  • 挂号邮件®: 美国邮政总局's most secure mail 十大网堵平台–mail is processed manually, handled separately and securely, and signed for along every step of its journey. 收件人必须在邮件上签名以确认投递(或试图投递)。.
  • 回执:你会收到一份打印的或通过电子邮件发送的送货记录,上面有收件人的签名. You can combine Return Receipt with other 十大网堵平台s, 包括挂号邮件, 挂号邮件, 特快专递® 十大网堵平台,以及更多.
  • 成人签名要求:只有成人(21岁以上)才能在邮件后签名 出示有效的政府证件.


一旦你的信封或明信片有正确的地址和邮资, 你可以用几种方式发送, including putting it in your mailbox or dropping it in a 蓝色收集箱 或者是 邮局 位置.


  • 把你的信放进你的邮箱里,然后升起旗子(如果你有的话).
  • 如果您有集群邮箱,请将其放入传出邮件槽中.
  • Drop it off in a 蓝色收集箱.
  • Take it to a 邮局 lobby drop.

重要提示: 如果你的信封有邮票,重量超过10盎司或厚度超过1/2英寸, you can't put it in a collection box; you have to give it to an employee at a 邮局 位置. 更多详情请浏览 What Can and Cannot be Deposited in a Collection Box?

邮局 & 下降的位置


邮政十大网堵平台使用高速分拣机器来帮助处理和投递425封邮件.3 million mail pieces each day. 这里有一些额外的技巧来改善你的邮件发送体验:

  • 保持灵活: Don't send rigid (hard) objects in paper envelopes.
  • 发送 embellished invitations (for weddings, graduations, etc.)? Get them hand-canceled or put them inside another envelope.
  • 需要跟踪? 了解你的选择.


仅限柔性和平面物品(如纸张或照片,厚度小于1/4英寸). 刚性或块状的物品(如钥匙或闪存驱动器)会撕裂你的信封.


明信片、信封和大信封(平信封)都需要 弯曲 以符合美国邮政总局的要求® 高速分拣机.

  • OK: 灵活、扁平的东西,比如贴纸、照片、交易卡等. 应该没问题——只要你的信封是平的,不是块状的,厚度小于1/4英寸.
  • 不可以: 不要放硬物(如闪存盘、硬币、钥匙、硬塑料卡盒等).松装在没有衬垫的纸信封里:它们可能会从信封里撕下来, 堵塞分拣机, 造成延误, 或者甚至迷路.

而不是, 对于刚性和奇怪形状的物体(或者你不想弯曲的物体), we recommend using a padded envelope or small box and 把它作为一个包裹寄出去.

Protect Special 信封: Using Wax Seals, String, or Ribbons? Put it inside another envelope.

发送 Embellished Invitations (for Weddings, Graduations, etc.)


  • You can pay the extra fee for nonmachinable 一流的邮件® 项目, bring your mail to the 邮局™ 计数器, 让零售助理亲手取消你的装饰请柬.
  • 外部装饰 invitations: If you use wax seals, 字符串s, ribbons, etc. on your envelopes, don't try to send them exposed. 相反,为了确保你的信封看起来像你的设计师想要的那样, put them inside another envelope.


跟踪 is not available for 一流的邮件 项目. If you'd like to get tracking information for your letter:

  • You can pay extra to send your letter using 特快专递® or 优先邮件® 十大网堵平台.
  • You can get delivery confirmation by adding 挂号信® 或挂号邮件® 十大网堵平台. (如果你想要收信人的签名,你甚至可以把它和回执结合起来.)